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< Template:CodeChart
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This template is used to create an ASCII 7-bit code chart linking characters that terminate a control sequence to an anchor on the current page and characters that prefix a control sequence to other pages containing code charts describing the remaining characters of the sequence. The arguments to the template describe the target links of characters in the code chart. Use the following arguments:

Argument (Character)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 nul (NUL) dle (DLE) sp (SP) zero (0) at (@) p (P) backquote (`) lowerp (p)
1 soh (SOH) dc1 (DC1) exclamation (!) one (1) a (A) q (Q) lowera (a) lowerq (q)
2 stx (STX) dc2 (DC2) quote (") two (2) b (B) r (R) lowerb (b) lowerr (r)
3 etx (ETX) dc3 (DC3) pound (#) three (3) c (C) s (S) lowerc (c) lowers (s)
4 eot (EOT) dc4 (DC4) dollar ($) four (4) d (D) t (T) lowerd (d) lowert (t)
5 enq (ENQ) naq (NAQ) percent (%) five (5) e (E) u (U) lowere (e) loweru (u)
6 ack (ACK) syn (SYN) amp (&) six (6) f (F) v (V) lowerf (f) lowerv (v)
7 bel (BEL) etb (ETB) apos (') seven (7) g (G) w (W) lowerg (g) lowerw (w)
8 bs (BS) can (CAN) openparen (() eight (8) h (H) x (X) lowerh (h) lowerx (x)
9 ht (HT) em (EM) closeparen ()) nine (9) i (I) y (Y) loweri (i) lowery (y)
10 lf (LF) sub (SUB) asterisk (*) colon (:) j (J) z (Z) lowerj (j) lowerz (z)
11 vt (VT) esc (ESC) plus (+) semicolon (;) k (K) openbracket ([) lowerk (k) openbrace ({)
12 ff (FF) is4 (IS4) comma (,) less (<) l (L) backslash (\) lowerl (l) pipe (|)
13 cr (CR) is3 (IS3) minus (-) equal (=) m (M) closebracket (]) lowerm (m) closebrace (})
14 so (SO) is2 (IS2) period (.) greater (>) n (N) caret (^) lowern (n) tilde (~)
15 si (SI) is1 (IS1) slash (/) question (?) o (O) underscore (_) lowero (o) del (DEL)