CodeChart:TeleVideo 925/925 Mode/ESC

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Subpages of ESC

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAQ % 5 E U e u
6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w
8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
10 LF SUB * : J Z j z
11 VT ESC + ; K [ k {
12 FF IS4 , < L \ l |
13 CR IS3 - = M ] m }
14 SO IS2 . > N ^ n ~
15 SI IS1 / ? O _ o DEL
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAQ % 5 E U e u
6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w
8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
10 LF SUB * : J Z j z
11 VT ESC + ; K [ k {
12 FF IS4 , < L \ l |
13 CR IS3 - = M ] m }
14 SO IS2 . > N ^ n ~
15 SI IS1 / ? O _ o DEL
ESC Sequences
Prefix Description Parameters
<sp> {{{3}}} none
( Begin write-protected region none
) End write-protected region none
* Clear all to nulls none
+ Clear unprotected to spaces none
, Clear all to half intensity none
- Position cursor with page none
. Set cursor attribute none
/ Read cursor page, row and column, terminal sends three position chars plus CR none
1 Set tabstop at current column none
2 Clear tabstop at current column none
3 Clear all tabstops none
4 Send contents of unprotected fields on current line none
5 Send contents of unprotected fields on current page none
6 Send all of current line none
7 Send all of current page none
: Clear unprotected fields to nulls none
; Clear unprotecte fields to spaces none
< Turn off keyclick none
cursorposrc {{{3}}} none
> Turn on keyblock none
? Read cursor row and column, terminal sends two position chars plus CR none
@ Turn on extension mode (copy-print) none
A Turn off extension mode none
B Switch to block mode none
C Switch to conversational mode none
E Insert a link none
G Set video attributes none
I none
J none
K none
M none
O none
Q none
R none
S none
T none
U none
W none
X none
Y none
` none
a none
b none
d none
f none
g none
h none
i none
j none
k none
l none
p none
s none
t none
u none
v none
w none
x none
y none
ESC G Parameters
Value Description
0 Normal
1 Blank
2 Blink
3 Invisible blink
4 Reverse
5 Invisible reverse
6 Reverse blink
7 Invisible reverse blink
8 Underline
9 Invisible underline
: Underline blink
; Invisible Underline blank
< Underline reverse
Invisible underline reverse {{{2}}}
> Underline reverse blink
? Invisible underline reverse blink
ESX x Parameters
Value Description
1 Enable 25th line
2 No key click
3 Hold screen mode
4 Block cursor
5 Cursor off
6 Keypad shifted
7 Alternate keypad mode
8 Auto line feed on receipt of CR
9 Auto CR on receipt of line feed
ESX y Parameters
Value Description
1 Disable 25th line
2 Enable key click
3 Exit hold screen mode
4 Underscore cursor
5 Cursor on
6 Keypad unshifted
7 Exit alternate keypad mode
8 No auto line feed
9 No auto CR
ESC Sequences
Prefix Description Parameters
/ Identify as VT52 K
? Keypad alternate mode keys key
@ Shift keypad seven (7) none
A Shift keypad eight (8) none
B Shift keypad two (2) none
C Shift keypad six (6) none
D Shift keypad four (4) none
H Shift keypad five (5) none
L Shift keypad one (1) none
M Shift keypad three (3) none
N Shift keypad nine (9) none
O Shift keypad seven (7) none
P Blue function key none
Q Red function key none
R Gray function key none
S f1 function key none
T f2 function key none
U f3 function key none
V f4 function key none
W f5 function key none
ESC ? Parameters
Value Description
M Keypad ENTER key †
n Keypad period key (.) †
p Keypad zero key (0) †
q Keypad one key (1) †
r Keypad two key (2) †
s Keypad three key (3) †
t Keypad four key (4) †
u Keypad five key (5) †
v Keypad six key (6) †
w Keypad seven key (7) †
x Keypad eight key (8) †
y Keypad nine key (9) †

Note only transmitted in alternate keypad mode.